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9. Permaculture and Off-grid Living

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Permaculture offers elegant solutions to many social and ecological problems. Eco Villages Australia applies the three ethics and twelve principles of permaculture and aims to draw on them in all aspects of eco village life.

Eco Villages Australia communities will be as 'off-grid' as possible. This is an important part of our vision as it provides resilience to transition to a low-carbon future rather than reliance on external energy, water and waste systems. Closing the loop on waste and becoming self-responsible is strongly in line with permaculture ethics and principles. Localism is another important aspect of empowering eco village residents and building strong local economies.

Eco villages can take responsibility for water, waste and energy

Composting Toilets

Human waste is only toxic when mixed with precious drinking water. Today’s compostable toilets are odour free and can contribute to building healthy soil.

Renewable Energy

Transitioning to renewable energy is vital for a safe climate future.

Eco Villages Australia aims to:

  • install solar power and other viable renewable energy technologies.

  • install energy efficient lights and appliances.

  • reduce energy consumption.

  • use electric vehicles over time which could also be powered from the renewable energy.

Water Management

Water tanks, treatment plants, dams, etc. will be utilised to ensure the water security of the community. Councils are now starting to approve grey water systems where run-off from kitchens, laundries and bathrooms is used to water gardens.

Eco villagers can have the best of both worlds by using technologies that are sustainable, cost effective and regenerate the natural environment while also having all the things needed for a meaningful modern life like good internet access, car-sharing facilities and even electric vehicles as they become more affordable.

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